- Demonstration of the construction of a scalable tank design enabling the cost-efficient growth of a tank up to 150 kg and beyond.
- Development of a vacuum insulated, low-pressure, variable section box-shaped LH2 tank for a potential installation within the aircraft empennage or beneath the passenger floor.
- Development of a conformable multi-material tank concept, manufactured by automated and out of autoclave (OoA) production technologies.
- Development of a set of subsystems and procedures to assure the safe functioning of the system, and being able to perform real-time monitoring of its state.
- Evaluation of the suitability of various SHM capabilities including structural monitoring, health state awareness, damage detection and location for monitored structures, shape sensing and centre-of-gravity calculations.
- Successful experiments on the two demonstrators.
- Realisation of a safety analysis, a durability analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).