The COCOLIH2T Project

COmposite COnformal LIquid H2 Tank


The safe and efficient storage of H2 on-board future aircraft is the essential enabler of H2 technologies and will be one of the most complex aerospace engineering challenges that the industry has ever faced. COCOLIH2T (COmposite COnformal LIquid H2 Tank) project, led by Collins Aerospace, is proposing a disruptive concept focused on reducing the impact of the tank’s weight and volume within an aircraft, while ensuring system safety. COCOLIH2T will not only develop a safe composite and vacuum insulated LH2 tank for the aviation sector but has the ambition to go beyond by designing and manufacturing a conformal tank through novel fabrication technologies enabling a reduction of more than 60% in production energy consumption, at least 50% in production time leading to significantly lower manufacturing costs. Additionally, the proposed structure of the tank, based on a multi-material thermoplastic composite concept, is intended to facilitate aircraft structural integration to support overall system weight reduction compared with conventional tank configurations. COCOLIH2T’s overall system will be demonstrated at TRL4 by the end of the project. COCOLIH2T started in February 2023 and will run for 36 months.

COCOLIH2T is a project funded by the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (JU) under the Horizon Europe programme. The project was selected after successful submission to the call HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-1 and more specifically the topic HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2022-03-07 “Development of specific aviation cryogenic storage system with a gauging, fuel metering, heat management and monitoring system” (Pillar 3.1 Hydrogen end uses – Transport applications of the Clean Hydrogen JU Scientific Research Innovation Agenda or SRIA). COCOLIH2T is a Research and Innovation Action (RIA).



COCOLIH2T aims to design, develop, manufacture, and demonstrate a disruptive innovative composite, conformal box shaped LH2 storage solution with a variable section for commercial aerospace applications including necessary sub-systems, while ensuring safe operation. COCOLIH2T will consecutively build two functional demonstrators.


Grant Agreement

Collins Aerospace



Project duration


Start date


End date

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